Scholarship Application and Program Information

Online applications will be available in March 2023

Application deadline – April 15

Award notifications sent in August

The Clara Abbott Scholarship Program is administered differently depending on the country. Information about the US and Puerto Rico Program is below:

  • The Clara Abbott Foundation offers need-based scholarships to help the dependent children of Abbott employees attend accredited colleges or universities, community colleges, vocational and trade schools.
  • The goal of the Scholarship Program is to help ease the burden of college costs on Abbott families, not fully cover the costs of attending a university.
  • Scholarship awards are based on a number of factors including family income and the average cost of public, in-state or in-country college/university tuition.
  • Awards may be available to students enrolled in full- or part-time studies to obtain their first undergraduate degree. Scholarships can be applied towards expenses such as tuition, fees, books, supplies, transportation, and room and board.
  • Scholarships are not renewable (students in your country must apply each year) and award amounts can and do fluctuate. Scholarships are never guaranteed.
  • In order to be eligible for future scholarships, recipients must continue to meet all the eligibility requirements and U.S. students must provide proof of a 2.0/4.0 (or equivalent) cumulative GPA.

We’re ready to help

For Abbott employees, retirees, and their families, The Clara Abbott Foundation is here to provide compassionate, confidential support in times of need.

In order to provide financial assistance or scholarships, we need to fully understand your situation. Therefore, personal information and various documentation will be requested and required throughout the process. In some cases, we will verify information with HR or Abbott.

Financial Assistance College Scholarships

Have you been impacted by a disaster?

Please contact us at +1-847-937-1090 or 1-800-972-3859 or email us at

Before applying, we ask that you consider three things:
  1. Review the eligibility requirements:
  2. Be prepared to be open, honest, and forthcoming about your specific needs and situation throughout the process.
  3. Any misrepresentation of a situation, including fraud, deceit, or concealment with regard to information on an application or obtained during the consultation process will have consequences as defined by the Abbott Business Code of Conduct.