Disaster Assistance
If you are in need of urgent financial assistance, please contact us at +1-847-937-1090 or email AskClara@abbott.com. We will quickly assess your situation and connect you with the resources you may need to access food, clothing, shelter or other essential living needs.
Please call us or send an email to AskClara@abbott.com for more information.

If you have been impacted by a disaster, it is most important to us that you are safe and have access to the resources you need to get you through this difficult time.
If you are in need of urgent financial assistance, please contact us at +1-847-937-1090 or email AskClara@abbott.com. We will quickly assess your situation and connect you with the resources you may need to access food, clothing, shelter or other essential living needs.
In the event of an emergency, The Foundation:
- Is only available to assist Abbott employees, retirees, and their eligible family members (spouse/children)
- May waive the service requirement
- Will evaluate eligibility for employees on leave (medical, maternity or other) on an individual basis
- Only provides financial assistance – we are not able to provide immediate needs, such as accommodations
- May provide an expedited review process without a complete financial assessment
- Is NOT able to provide any assistance to extended family (parents, siblings, other)
- Is NOT able to provide support to contractors, third party workers, or contingent workers
- Does not collect or organize donations of any kind to support those impacted
- Does not provide financial donations to other charitable organizations
In the days and weeks following a disaster, The Foundation may be able to help eligible employees who can’t afford repairs and replacement of essential household items. Impacted employees will work with a consultant who will evaluate their financial situation including insurance, savings and other resources to determine if they qualify for a grant. For more information on our financial grant process, click here.

Are you in need of urgent support?
Send an email to AskClara@abbott.com or call +1-847-937-1090.